Wild Rabbits
If you see a wild baby bunny or bunnies in your yard, chances are they are fine and should be left alone. If they are hopping around, they are probably weaned and have left the nest or are about ready to leave the nest. Keep your dogs and cats inside to give the bunnies a chance to get bigger and stronger and develop their survival skills. You should also do this if you happen to find a nest of bunnies.
Rabbit mothers only nurse their babies for a few minutes a day and stay away from the nest the rest of the time, so don't assume the babies are in trouble if you come upon them in a nest. If the nest looks like it's been disturbed, try to restore it, and then leave the area. If you are sure the bunnies are orphaned and not old enough to make it on their own-or if you find an injured rabbit, you need to contact a wildlife rehabber ASAP. Put the bunnies in a quiet, safe place until you can get some help for them.
In upstate SC, contact Wildlife Rehab of Greenville at 864-233-0339. To see the rehabbers who currently help rabbits, go to: https://www.facebook.com/WildlifeGreenville/?fref=ts. Some vets will take in injured or orphaned wildlife, then turn them over to a rehab group.
Most veterinarians and humane societies also have lists of area wildlife rehab groups.
Another option in upstate SC (and beyond, if needed) is Paws Animal Wildlife Sanctuary. They can be reached at 864-683-3190. They also have an information flyer on their Facebook page.

This baby cottontail was rescued after her family was killed by a lawn mower that ran over her nest. She was released on the sanctuary property when she was healthy and old enough to make it on her own.
Other sites that may be helpful
The Rabbit Habit
Provides helpful tips on wild rabbits
The Humane Society of the United States
Promoting the protection of all animals
The Fund for Animals
A pioneer in animal activism

Two cottontails, native to the sanctuary.